The Anonian
cable is dead

This guide provides instructions for editing and uploading Full High Definition (FHD) videos to Instragram TV, or IGTV using OBS Studio and Wondershare Filmora9.

FHD (1920×1080) is considered landscape, but IGTV’s expected dimensions (1080×1920) limit users to vertical videos.

The key is to rotate landscape videos so they can be uploaded to Instagram TV without scaling. Though the uploaded video’s aspect ratio is configured for portrait videos, they will appear to viewers as landscape videos (Full HD); viewers of these IGTV videos uploaded in this manner will rotate their phones to watch the videos in their intended orientation.

Contextual knowledge:

Most laptops these days have one of the following screen resolutions:

  • 1366 pixels by 768 pixels (HD/High Definition)
  • 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels (FHD/Full High Definition/1080p)

The most common phone screen resolution is 1080 pixels by 1920 pixels. Note that this resolution is simply the portrait mode of the FHD resolution mentioned above.

Instagram TV (IGTV) video dimensions are 1080 pixels by 1920 pixels.

Record your video in OBS Studio

Configure your Base and Output Resolutions:

  1. File > Settings > Video
  2. Choose a Base resolution closest to 1920×1080 that also works for your setup.
  3. Choose an Output resolution, preferably the same resolution as the Base.


Rotate the video to portrait mode in Wondershare Filmora9.

Change the project’s Aspect Ratio & Resolution to match Instagram TV’s expected video dimensions, and change the project’s Frame Rate to match the recording settings from OBS Studio:

  1. File > Project Settings
  2. Select 9:16 (Portrait) for the Aspect Ratio
  3. Select 1080 x 920 for the Resolution.
  4. Select the Frame Rate that match’s OBS Studio’s recording frame rate. OBS Studio’s frame rate can be found in File > Settings > Video.

Import the recording from OBS Studio into the Filmora9 project. Filmora will say that the media resolution and project resolution don’t match, asking if it should change the Project Settings to match the media. Keep the project settings.

Add the media file to a Track.

Rotate the media to portrait mode:

  1. Right-click on the media file in the Track > Rotate 90 CW. Filmora should automatically stretch the video to fit the project’s aspect ratio.
  2. If the video is not properly scaled after rotation, refer to this article:

Enjoy and produce content like a madman! Or madwoman!

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