The Anonian
This should have NEVER happened

For the first time in months, I launched MatterControl by MatterHackers to slice a print for my FlashForge Creator Pro. But MatterControl absolutely refused to export my .x3g file. This is the story of how I fixed it.

The Quick Solution:

  1. Go back to the Model View.
  2. Generate Supports.
  3. Slice the model again.
  4. Export. This time, you’ll get your .x3g file.

Continue reading below for a more detailed overview and instructions on what to do if you don’t want supports in your 3D Print.

Unlayering the Mystery

From a user’s standpoint, I did everything right. I ensured I was updated to the latest Version ( I imported my stl file, arranged it on the print bed, and clicked “Slice”.

After reviewing the 3D Layer View, I was ready to export. I’ve already told MatterControl that I am going to print on my FlashForge and so it knows that I need an .x3g file rather than the standard GCode file format. When I go to export, it defaults to an .x3g file extension.

The Export File window that appears after clicking the Export button won’t even let me save a file that does not have an .x3g extension. This is good. I will definitely be getting my .x3g file.

But alas!

MatterControl did not export my .x3g file! It only exported a ._gcode file. What? Why? No error messages were displayed. The program didn’t crash. I don’t understand.

The Solution?

Surprisingly, Google searches did not reveal the answer. I was forced to rely on my skills as a troubleshooter and my…. memory?

I did some basic troubleshooting:

  • Attempted to slice and export the same model multiple times
  • Closed and reopened the stl model
  • Restarted the program
  • Rebooted my computer
  • Unsuccessfully attempted to slice and export different stl models
  • Successfully attempted to slice and export different stl models

After a few successful and unsuccessful attempts at slicing and exporting a variety of stl models, the difference between the models finally hit me:

Some of them needed supports and some of them didn’t.

Funnily enough, I had run into this same bug almost a year ago after MatterHackers changed the way that MatterControl generates supports. Ever since the change, MatterControl crashes when trying to export a sliced model to an .x3g file format if supports that the program deems necessary were not generated.

To make MatterControl export your .x3g file:

  1. Go back to the Model View.
  2. Generate Supports.
  3. Slice the model again.
  4. Export. This time, you’ll get your .x3g file.

But, what if I don’t want supports?

Want to have your cake and eat it too? For once, it’s as easily done as it is said. Just change the Overhang Angle to 0 and click Generate.


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