The Anonian
Pretty much works for anything…

I am not saying that I am the most muscular guy in the gym (well… maybe), nor I am saying I know it all (well… maybe). What I am saying is that I have been consistently in the gym for 6 months, and you haven’t.

Are you trying to actually get off your ass and go to the gym? Then quit overwhelming yourself with all the nonsense you think has to go along with it. Abandon the insane workout regime. Stop the meal planning. Ditch the protein shakes. Learn to roll solo and never depend on a workout partner. There are more than enough things to worry about, so quit adding fifty more by changing every little thing in your life just to make it to the gym. Just change one:

Actually make it to the gym.

Too many times have I seen first time gymgoers show up decked out in stylish workout clothing, a protein shake in hand, a strict workout plan, and a burning desire to change their bodies fast. They go for a week, two tops. These noobs all make the same two fatal mistakes, and fail because of them.

  1. They think Rome was built in a day. They think the body magically grows muscles after their first gym session. You will experience benefits immediately, but those benefits will not be visible until months later. These poor saps fail to get immediate results and are immediately discouraged.
  2. They bought into the “If you are not doing B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I, then A is pointless” propaganda. Fitness gurus everywhere are preaching this nonsense because it makes them money. They convince the sheeple that going to the gym is overly complicated and that the only way to do it right is to purchase access to a meal plan and weightlifting outline.

Results in the gym take time, as do results in the kitchen. Neither are complicated, nor do they require insane amounts of effort. Yeah, eating right and following a strict workout schedule in the gym definitely have an impact on results. They should definitely be taken into consideration…. one at a time. Either focus on eating right or on going to the gym and then slowly incorporate the other after you have adjusted. Humans have evolved into creatures of habit, and they do not like change. Too much change to your lifestyle at once, and you will find yourself a one-weeker.

Whether you are trying to eat right, get in the gym, or suffer through cardio, keep things simple and follow these three rules.

1. Set a schedule.

“Every time I get off work, I will go to the gym.”

2. Stick to the schedule.

“Every time I get off work, no matter what time it is, I will go to the gym, even if it is just for 15 minutes.”

3. One step at a time.

“Every time I get off work, no matter what time it is, I will go to the gym. If I do this for one month, I will start eating right, too.”



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