The Anonian
FBI was warned about this kid…

An AR-15 equipped 19-year-old walked into a Florida school and murdered seventeen people.

One person took seventeen lives. Seventeen people will no never go home to their families. Seventeen people will never wake up and go to school again. Seventeen people will never be seen walking around the halls of that high school again. Seventeen people will never get to fulfill their lifelong dreams and aspirations. Seventeen people will be buried and mourned by loved ones. Seventeen people were literally ripped out of their friends’ and families’ lives. Nikolas Cruz did not only end the lives of seventeen people, he ruined countless more.

What’s more is that Cruz’s crusade is not an isolated incident. Since Sandy Hook in 2012, there has been an average of 5 school shootings per month. If we continue on at this rate, we are quickly heading for a world in which every American will have been directly impacted by a mass shooting. You will either know, know someone who knows, or you may even be, a victim. We are heading toward an undesirable dystopia. As responsible citizens, it is up to us to prevent this.

Perhaps we can take note from Switzerland. The Swiss have an incredible enthusiasm for guns and have yet to experience a school shooting. This good fortune is partially due to their regulations and societal norms. Perhaps more relevant is their schools’ immediate and direct access to psychologists and intervention teams. For a more in depth look at how Switzerland has maintained its clean record, give this article a read.

Senator Chris Murphy took the lead on speaking out. Granted, his claim that this was the 19th school shooting this year is grossly wrong, but his point is true and from the heart. Also, a recent poll shows that majorities of both parties are in favor of increased gun regulations. Change may be right around the corner.

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