The Anonian
[Disclaimer: May not be fully sane. Not sleep deprivation; tried Grape Nuts a few years back and haven’t been the same since.]

[Disclaimer: May not be fully sane. Not sleep deprivation; tried Grape Nuts a few years back and haven’t been the same since.]

To maintain the constant work and productivity lifestyle I enjoy living so much, it is imperative that I make a habit of going to sleep and waking up around the same time every day. Missing sleep is not good for your mind or your body, and the docs say you should be aiming for 8 hours or more per night. However, I am most productive when I get around 6 to 6.5 hours of sleep per night.

I know that many people, especially concerned mothers and doctors would disagree with this tactic, which is why it may be important to note that I am not being foolish. Every day, I take proactive measures so that the doctors can never tell me that I am doing wrong: I eat an apple. (Ha! Get it? Seriously, though, them Grape Nuts still got me loopy.)

Long story short: I was in a ridiculously productive mood last night and ended up working through it. The amount of work I got done was well worth the sleepiness.

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