The Anonian

One’s habits separate him from the rest of the pack. The activities he does on a daily basis defines who he is and whether or not he will be successful.

So few people reach greatness because they cannot establish good habits. They choose to waste their time with pointless activities rather than ones that can bring about profit. They are not always to blame; starting a new habit takes incredible willpower. It takes a special kind of person, one who has more drive than anyone else. Not everyone has this drive. The ability to establish good habits must only exist in certain people.

Or maybe… not?

In previous posts, I have already expressed my disbelief in relying on self control. There are some who can make use of it, but the rest of us must rely on alternatives. We must rely on life structuring. With life structuring, even the most flexible of people can start and maintain productive habits. If done properly, life structuring can teach one to have more self control, making it even easier to establish good habits in the future.

Tomorrow, I will post the actual steps on how to make use of life structuring to establish good habits.

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