The Anonian

Selling to a guy like me is a real challenge. I immediately see through all sales schemes, tactics, and the like. Salesmen tend to lack the genuine touch, and I notice that. It makes me incredibly skeptical of making purchases from them. Plus, I do not have much money.

However, there are people who can sell to me. They are few in numbers, but they do exist. Such people are naturally kindhearted, honest, and truly care about my well-being. I see them as friends rather than salesman. They would inform me if what they had to offer is not best for me, rather than attempting to convince me it is. These salesmen are not in it for the dollar amount, but rather the pleasure they get from helping others.

That is how all salesman should be. Salesman should be there to help people. They should be willing to direct those they cannot help to a place that can, even if that means losing the sale. If a salesman ever feels like he cannot do this and still make sales, then he needs to switch professions.

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