The Anonian

You bet your pants it does!

When I first started this blog, it took an entire thirty minutes to write one blog post. And I type a whopping 80 words per minute! That is some pathetically slow writing.

Now, that same half hour produces at least three posts. As soon as my fingertips touch the keys, words flow onto the screen. On top of an increased rate of production, there have been improvements in other areas as well:

  • Organization. Not only on paper, but in all aspects of life. Forcing myself to organize my thoughts into comprehensive blog posts has trained my brain.
  • Creativity. Just like organization, my creativity is not restricted to putting words on paper. Things like song writing, ways to motivate, and the like have all seen their share of advancements.
  • Vocabulary. This one is pretty obvious. The more you do, the more you learn.

In conclusion, writing is powerful and beneficial. Keep a diary. Conjure up some short stories. Detail plans to accomplish goals. Just do something to keep you writing!

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