The Anonian

Lack of willpower has prevented me from making it to the gym, and not going to the gym is fueling my lack of willpower.

The gym life has temporarily slipped my grasp, as have many other of my usual productive activities. I was sick for a few days last week and was forced to skip out on exercise in exchange for sleep. Had I known the consequences of this action, I would have happily remained sick.

It turns out that my productivity levels fluctuate wildly, depending on whether or not I work out. On days that I miss the gym, I might as well be asleep; I accomplish little to nothing. Days that I make it, however, unlock vast amounts of willpower, energy, creativity, and productivity. Exercise is like life’s cheat code for success.

The last week has been almost dreadful, spending my time trapped in a vicious circle. To help break it, I reached out to a close friend. She is actually waking up early in the morning to ensure that I roll out of bed and make it to the gym.

If all goes as planned, balance will be restored.

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